Monday, July 27, 2009

OBG Orville By Gibson LPS-Q laminate TOP!!

hi Orville by Gibson LPS-Q Laminated Quilted Maple and LPS-T Tiger Maple were 125,000 Yen.
yahoo end price is 99800YEN

list price infor.

In 1988 the Orville by Gibson Les Paul Standards and Customs were
93,000 Yen and in 1990 they were 95,000 Yen and in 1992 they were 110,000 Yen.
In 1988 the Orville by Gibson SG was 82,000 Yen and in 1992 it was 93,000 Yen.
In 1988 the Orville by Gibson Les Paul Junior was 72,000 Yen.
Compare this to the 1990 K Orville Les Paul Junior which was 70,000 Yen.
The Orville by Gibson 3 pickup Les Paul custom was 115,000 Yen in 1990 and 125,000 Yen in 1992.
>From 1988-late 1992 all of the Orville by Gibsons are made by Terada and have a G serial
and from late 1992-1995 most were made by FujiGen with no letter serials but some were made by Terada with a G serial.
In 1992 the Orville by Gibson LPS-QM Quilted Maple was 228,000 Yen and the Orville by Gibson
LPS-FM Flame Maple was 198,000 Yen and the Orville by Gibson LPS-Q Laminated Quilted Maple and LPS-T Tiger Maple were 125,000 Yen.
In 1993 the Orville by Gibson 59 reissue LPS-59R was 125,000 Yen and the Orville by Gibson 57 reissue
LPS-57C was 110,000 Yen and the Orville by Gibson 57 reissue LPC-57B was 110,000 Yen.
A lot of the LPS-59R, LPS-57C, LPC-57B guitars were made by FujiGen with no letter serials from late 1992-1995 but some were made by Terada with a G serial.
Also the Orville by Gibson Terada G serial ES-335 was 98,000 Yen in 1988 and in 1992 was 110,000 Yen.
All of the Orville by Gibson ES-335's were made by Terada with a G serial from 1988-1995.

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